בדיקות רקע

Financial ability Check

Financial ability check - this way you will know that your tenant cannot afford to rent the property

Whether we are talking about renting an apartment or renting an office - a property can be completely profitable. However, there is a importance about the tenant renting the property.

If your apartment is in good hands, you will have peace of mind - but in many cases, potential tenants lie, or do not present the full truth.

Therefore, checking tenants, and especially checking the financial capacity of the tenant is something that is important to check.

In one of our recent tenant background checks, we were asked to check on a potential tenant who intended to rent an apartment in a prestigious residential building and neighborhood in the center of the country.

This potential tenant claimed to be financially well-off and owned two successful businesses. However, from a background check that was conducted by us it emerged that the subject does not have any active business in his name, but only one business that went bankrupt several years ago.

The check that was conducted showed that the subject was declared bankrupt shortly before he applied to rent the apartment.

In addition, we discovered that the subject has a judgment in which it was stated he was declared bankrupt. It was also stated that the subject has an unhealthy state of health, and that he is recognized by the National Medical Association as disabled at a rate of 28% and even had a transient stroke twice. In addition, His income was very low, in fact lower than the average.

It was also noted that this person is without assets and who is not integrated into the work force at this time and has actual earning capacity and has an old alimony debt. Furthermore, it was stated that in that year the subject and his wife lived with his brother in the south in a social rented apartment from Amidar since they had no other place to live.

After the investigation that we conducted in our company, we recommended for obvious reasons to the apartment owners not to rent the property to that tenant.

Cases in which the potential tenants lie to the property owners are common cases and therefore every property owner who wants to ensure peace of mind need to pass his potential tenants through a tenant check as well as a financial capacity check to ensure the security of the property in the most optimal way.

A single background check can save potential landlords a lot of heartache, whether it's making sure that person has no criminal record or that the potential tenant has the financial ability to pay the rent.

לשיחת ייעוץ חינם חייגו: 03-9666518
ההגנה 13 קומה 8 , ראשון לציון

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