Background check for candidates

Background check for candidates

Hiring a new employee may be a challenging task on the professional or social level, but most business owners do not consider another important matter. There is no pleasant or diplomatic way to say this, but experience shows that new employees may be a weak point that exposes the business to various dangers.

what do you really know about your employees?

We have no intention of causing panic and most likely that most of the employees you will hire are decent people. The problem is that it doesn't take more than one rotten apple to seriously damage years of achievements and reputation. Bottom line, your employees are exposed to a lot of information and aspects of the business and if, God forbid, one of them decides to abuse this, the damage to the business could be fatal: embezzlement, equipment theft, industrial espionage, information leaks and just plain negligence can, unfortunately, occur from time to time. At the end of the day, in many cases, employers cannot really get to know new employees, and even very careful and meticulous people that are more sensitive than others may miss a candidate with a credibility problem who misrepresents himself in his resume and job interview. At best, such an employee will turn out to be a bad employee who did not work as expected and did not justify his salary, at worst, the damage such an employee causes can be devastating.

Reducing the risk to minimum

Apparently, these incidents cannot be completely prevented, but they can certainly be reduced to a minimum, by performing due diligence and security investigations for candidates, which include a review of cases at the Execution Office , a credit check, criminal record check, and a credibility check. If you are interviewing for a sensitive position, and you want to check if the candidate is suitable both professionally and personally, don't rely only on your gut feeling and don’t take any chances. As part of the background checks that BackGround performs for candidates, the following tests will be performed:

CV review

People tend to exaggerate and, in some cases, even completely fabricate resumes (statistics show 5% of resumes are fictitious) . BackGround researchers have the abilities to check if the information provided by the candidate, including in the 'CV' , is accurate.

Debts and financial problems

Although it’s not a law of nature, statistics show that employees who have financial problems and large debts are more prone to abuse their position and embezzle or sell information. In some cases, they may also be subjected to extortion. Such cases will be discovered by checking bankruptcy, cases in execution, debts to the gray market, credit status and more.

Criminal record or entanglements

BackGround's check will reveal candidates who have concealed criminal history or entanglements with political and security bodies or institutions. In most cases serial crooks will leave traces that a trained investigator will be able to find.

For more information please contact us: 03-9666518

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